Copyright (c) The Licensee is granted, free of charge, to use the Software for the purpose of publishing the Software's output to the Licensee and third parties, subject to the following conditions: Access to the Software shall not be offered as a service by the Licensee to any third party. The Licensee will not copy, sell, redistribute, license, sublicense, or otherwise transfer the Software to any third party. The Licensee will not modify the Software. The Software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Authors or copyright holders shall under no event be held liable for costs, damages, expenses, claim, or other liability. Parts of the software are provided under separate licenses: There is no license for the syntax, everybody can use it Fonts used in the Software's output provided by the Licensee, including the default font, are subject to their own licenses. lz-string is used to create URLs for sharing sequence diagrams: libs/lz-string-LICENSE.txt Canvas2Svg is used to export the diagram into SVG file format: libs/canvas2svg-LICENSE.txt CodeMirror is used as the text editor: libs/codemirror-LICENSE.txt Font Awesome is used to provide icons for the icon participants: libs/fontawesome-webfont-LICENSE.txt Material Design Icons from the Community is used to provide icons for the icon participants. libs/materialdesignicons-webfont-LICENSE.txt Material Design icons by Google (included in collection) is used to provide icons for the icon participants. libs/materialdesigniconsbygoogle-LICENSE.txt Font Awesome 5 Free is used to provide icons for the icon participants: libs/fontawesome5free-LICENSE.txt RBush is used for collision detection calculations for onmousemove events. libs/rbush-LICENSE.txt MSAL.js from Microsoft is used for authentication towards Microsoft services. OneDrive.js from Microsoft is used for file picker for OneDrive and SharePoint. platform.js from Google is used for authentication towards Google services and file picker for Google Drive and Team Drives.